
SOP Followed by BPA for

Search and Rescue Operation while Paragliding Accident.

BPA performs search & rescue operations for Paragliding accidents (SOLO/TANDEM) when requested. BPA do not get involved in search & rescue operations on its own for each & every paragliding accident but get involved in all rescue when informed by administration.

  1. As soon as any message of accidentd for a paragliding accident a message is sent for the team to gather up at the base immediately. In the meantime, a better understanding of the situation is undertaken. All possible information is gathered from the messenger or onlookers of the accident.
  2. The tentative coordinates are studied based on the information gathered in the meantime and tentative mapping of the area is done at the base.
  3. As soon as the team gathers they are briefed on the situation. Suggestions are taken from the team and preparations are done according to the topography of the accident site.
  4. A tentative action plan is formulated.
  5. We usually move for search and rescue in a phased manner. In the first phase, half of the team (Say team ‘A’) leaves for the accident site immediately with the team leader after briefing and preparations with the whole team. The other half team ( Say team ‘B’) stays on stand-by fully prepared to leave any minute on the team leader’s orders.
  6. As soon as a team ‘A’ reaches the nearest point of the tentative accident site(either by air or land transport system) an understanding of the actual topography is undertaken.
  7. If the leader feels that the difficulty of terrain in the search area is hard then usually team ‘B’ is contacted and consulted. (If the search area is vast in size then the leader decides to whether call for more search companies or not. This decision is made in coordination with the whole team through walkie-talkie contact.) (In some cases of remote locations preparations are made at the site for better radio connection with the base).
  8. The next step is to search for the actual crash site.
  9. Once the actual crash point is found, the actual crash point coordinates are passed among the whole team and base.
  10. The severity of the accident is observed to capacity and first aid is provided. Any fatal injuries are observed(Guidance of medic via radio contact is taken in extreme cases).
  11. The next step is to decide the mode of evacuation depending on the topography and severity of injuries. Helicopter evacuation may be needed if the accident site is of tough topography or high altitude. Whatever the case may be the decision is taken by the leader and team’s suggestion according to the ground situation, forecasted weather, or severity of the injuries, etc.
  12. A few team members will gather all the belongings of the accident victim and prepare a tentative accident report on-site.
  13. After evacuation, the accident victim is then shifted to the nearest hospital. On hospital admission of the victim, the field job part of the operation is considered over.
  14. The rescue team again gathers at the base and prepares the search and operation report of the accident. A detailed report is made and submitted at the base office.
Genral SOP/Guideline


All persons/Associate members and entities providing air sports services shall be required to register as members of the respective air sports associations.Key equipment used for air sports shall be registered with the respective air sports association, till such equipment is decommissioned, damaged beyond repair, or lost. The air sports associations are responsible for ensuring safe and hazard-free disposal of decommissioned equipment by its members.A person may transfer air sports equipment to another person by way of sale, lease, gift, or any other mode, after providing the requisite details of the transferor, transferee, and the registration number to the concerned air sports association.

For Associated Members / Joy Ride Agents

Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will maintain a record of flying with a copy of the Identity of Passengers, and a List of Pilots with complete detail in the office.

Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will use Bond of Billing Paragliding association only. Without a bond, he will not be considered an authorized agent of BPA.

Paragliding Insurance for pilots as well as Passengers is mandatory.

Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will keep the number of passengers and pilots in the passenger vehicle as per seating capacity.

Pilots of Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will carry a First aid Kit, Radio, Log Book, and Paragliding License with them during Paragliding Joy Ride.

Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will use Passed Canopy & Equipment only.
Pilots of Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will follow the rules & regulations of BPA.
Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will pay Associate Membership of Rs. 1500/- once a year to Billing Paragliding Association.

Pilots of Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent should have a valid license. In case of expiry, He/ She is not eligible for flying.

Billing Paragliding is a non-profit association and is not running a commercial business on his own. The association is only an Aero Sports Operator. Hence Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agent will be fully responsible for his loss/profit in every manner, every kind of tax and customer complaint.
In case of an Accident/Mishap or Customer Complaint, Pilots & Associate Member cum Paragliding Joy Ride Agents have to explain the reason for the Accident/Mishap or reason for the Customer Complaint in writing at least 500 words to Billing Paragliding Association.

For Solo Training and Tandem Flying

Please review our requirements to enjoy paragliding and stay safe.

Some experts are saying life won’t be back to normal for a long time. BPA has put a great deal of planning into our program to be ready for the long haul. We have put serious thought and consideration into SOPs to keep staff and students as protected as they want to be.

We are booking solo flights and tandems. Tandems present a challenge to social distancing. However, since it’s on one, as long as participants wear basic PPE we feel good about it. Additionally, the tandem and passengers are only getting exposure to one other person while flying reducing the risk considerably.

Solo Training
We can keep 6 feet of social distance in addition to wearing PPE. There will be instances where we must be in proximity, but we can social distance for the vast majority of your training if you desire. We will ask you your preference when you arrive for training. You will be riding in our passenger van for the 45-minute up to takeoff point Billing to launch.

Tandem Ride
The pilot and passenger will fly with a face cover and gloves. We will also wear face covers for the van ride up to fly. You will be riding in our passenger van for 45-50 minutes to launch at our takeoff point Billing. We will keep the number of passengers in the van rides to a minimum by taking only our tandem passengers and pilots.

Bir-Billing is the best spot for Tandem Paragliding sessions in Himachal Pradesh, India. Normal paragliding flight is for 15 to 20 mins which includes take off from Billing at the altitude of 8000 feet from sea level and landing at Bir which is 4300 feet from sea level.

The paragliding weight limit is 20-95 kg.

The paragliding age limit is 12 Years to 70 Years.

Moreover, we request our customers bring the following items for their flying activities. Note that we will have the essential items if you are unable to bring them with you.

  • Face Cover: Any type of face mask you have been using is required.
  • Gloves: Light gloves for solo training, and summer tandems. Warmer gloves for tandems from September through April.
  • Hand Sanitizer: It’s always a good idea to have this with you, and put some on before you put on your gloves.
  • Self-Undertaking: Undertaking in self-handwriting is a compulsory part of participation and should be read first and then filled in before the activity. It would be helpful if you could bring your pen to sign this form.
  • Sunglasses: Don’t worry about them falling off. This is not an issue. You will be happy you have your sunglasses while flying.
  • Long Sleeves Shirt: These are essential for sun and abrasion protection.
  • Shoes: Sports shoes are essential during the ride.
Advance bookings Only
Use Covid Questionnaire as a pre-emptive measure strict recommendations for Student Pilots
1. Wash hands regularly or use a hydroalcoholic sanitizers
2. Cough or sneeze in your elbow or use disposable napkin
3. Avoid touching the face
4. Greet without shaking hand and no hugs
5. Blow your nose in a handkerchief for single use then throw it away
6. Respect a distance of at least one meter with others at all times
7. Wear a mask all the time
8. Proper precautions and measures of sanitizing and distancing to be maintained while travelling by all participants
9 .The responsibility of keeping oneself covid safe lies on each individual participant

SOP 02 – Guidelines for Instructors
1. Sanitizers will be available with all the instructors
2. All the Instructors & the crew will do the covid tests and provide a proof for being negative.
3. Instructors to carry their own.
– Hydroalcoholic Sanitizer
– Individual N95 masks
– Gloves (Nitrile gloves only)
– Eye protection (Goggles)
Sharing of any of the above items is strictly prohibited
4. Training Operation will be conducted only if it is 100% safe to train. Final call will be of the Instructor in charge. An accident in such times would further burden already overextended health and emergency services. This may not only affect your care but reduce the resources being used to fight COVID-19, putting others at risk. 5. Training operators will have clear emergency response plan and emergency preparedness(First aid box, Ambulance on call, Stretcher etc).
6. Before the final booking, provide the Covid Questionnaire to student pilots.
7. Site transportation vehicle must be sanitized from time to time & to maintain the safe social distancing norms, max number of people in one vehicle should be not more than 2(Alto/Desire),4(Tata sumo), 7 (Tempo Traveller), 5 (Cruiser).
8. Student Helmets must be cleaned using sterilized wet wipes & spray sanitized after end of the day
9. Equipment must be sanitized or cleaned after each course, conforming to the guidance of the manufacturer.
10. Instructors & the ground crew should be checked for temperature & Oxygen levels at the start of the day, everyday. In case of any signs or symptoms of Covid, Instructors must follow quarantine guidelines & should not report to work & should not endanger the student pilots in any way. Acceptable levels of Oxygen & Temperature: Oxygen above 90 and temperature below 101.
11. Students should be checked for temperature & Oxygen levels on their arrival, at the start of the day, everyday. In case of any signs or symptoms of Covid, students must quarantine themselves wherever they are staying or admit themselves in the nearby hospital if the need arises. Acceptable levels of Oxygen & Temperature: Oxygen above 90 and temperature below 101.
12. To avoid crowding and risk of contamination at the flying site, only bare minimum ground crew to be allowed at the flying site
13. In case, Instructor or a crew member is tested positive for covid, then compulsory quarantine period before instructor starts the activity is 21 days from the day test is being done. Instructor or a crew member can resume ops only if there are no symptoms after 21 days.

SOP 03 – Guidelines for Paragliding Students
1. All the students who are booking for a course must provide the latest Covid negative certificate
2. Students should be checked for temperature & Oxygen levels on their arrival, at the start of the day, everyday. In case of any signs or symptoms of Covid, students must quarantine themselves wherever they are staying or admit themselves in the nearby hospital if the need arises. Such students will be allowed to do the course when they are fit to train. Acceptable levels of Oxygen & Temperature: Oxygen above 90 and temperature below 101.
3. Students must carry their own
– Hydroalcoholic Sanitizer
– Individual N95 masks
– Gloves (Nitrile gloves non powedered)
– Eye protection (Goggles)
– Sterilized wet wipes
– Personalised Water Bottles (2 litre)
Sharing of any of the above items is strictly prohibited.
4. All the social physical distancing norms as mentioned by State and Central government must be followed by all the students during outdoor and indoor sessions.
5. Site transportation vehicle will be sanitized time to time but to maintain the social distancing norms, max number of people in one vehicle would be 5 in Cruiser and 6 in Tempo Traveller.
6. Helmets to be sanitized after every outdoor session.
7. If participants do not adhere to Covid guidelines then organizer has the right to stop their services.